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レ・ラゴーゼ Le Ragose

 Le-Ragose2.jpg生産者 レ・ラゴーゼ (Azienda Agricola Le Ragose)



レ・ラゴーゼは、ヴェネト州の州都ヴェローナから北に約10kmいったところにある、ネグラールというヴァルポリチェッラ (Valpolicella)地域の中の、一番が高い標高350メートルで南西に向かって急な斜面に切り開かれたブドウ畑で栽培しています。霧(nebbia)が発生しやすい地域ですが、標高の高さのおかげで、畑は霧の上にあるので、いつも安定した気候になっています。またこの地域はブドウの栽培に適しているだけではなく、アマローネ作りで重要なのブドウの乾燥(appassimento)に適した地形でもあります。




レ・ラゴーゼの先代、亡き夫の後を継ぎ世界でトップクラスの女性の作り手となったマルタ ガッリ (Marta Galli) の精神を引き継ぎ、当代のパオロ・ガッリは生産量ではなく、品質に徹底してこだわったワインを生産しています。



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Le Ragose - Valpolicella


Le Ragose is located in the town of Negrar on the historic hills of Valpolicella. After years of lying abandoned, the 66 acre estate was in 1969 by Arnaldo Galli, an enologist, and his wife Marta Bortoletto. Together with their children, Paolo and Marco, they have striven to respect the traditions of this ancient zone while carefully introducing modern technology both in the vineyard and in the cellars. They have been slowly increasing the types of varietals they plant with the precise scope of improving the sector of the “classic” wines and, at the same time, satisfying the evolving and changing tastes of the consumer.


Today there are 40 acres of vineyard which lie above the notorious winter fogs. The terrain is particularly suited for vine growing and the climate is idea for the “appassimento” (drying) of the grapes. The Galli family is involved in all phases of the production from the vineyard to the marketing of the finished wines. Their wines, which have drawn much attention in the press, are produced exclusively by the grapes grown at Le Ragose and always with the focus on quality and not on quantity.


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