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ロレンツォン エンツォ Azienda Agricola Lorenzon Enzo & C.

Lorenzon logo.JPG 生産者: ロレンツォン エンツォ - イゾンツォ DOC


ロレンツォン エンツォは、フリウリ-ヴェネツィア・ジュリア州の東端に位置したゴリツィア県のイゾンツォ川のそばで、50年代からロレンツォンファミリーとしてワインを造ってきています。90年代はまだ15ヘクタールであったワイン畑も今では120ヘクタールになりましたが、現在はワイン用としてのブドウの販売を大幅に減らし、ブドウ自体の生産量も抑え、より品質の高いワインを生産しています。








ロレンツォン エンツォのワインは、こちらから。


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Azienda Agricola Lorenzon Enzo & C. - Società Agricola - Isonzo DOC


It all began from a land.  The land that Severino Lorenzon bought in the '50s, a land that every one had abandoned, and that no one would have ever laid a bet on.  Instaed of Severino, togethe with his son Enzo, decided that precisely on that land he would dedicate himself to the cultivation of his best vineyards, there where Isonzo river flows, giving a luxuriant flora an ideal habitat to flourish.


In 1991, it because the first 15 hectares of the Cru "I Feudi di Romans," created with a mission of consciousness and awareness to totally respect this land.  Today, the Lorenzon company is considered one of the best wine producer in Friuli Venezia Giulia, boasting 120 hectares of cultivated vineyards in the Isonzo DOC area.


As the source of life for all nature surrounding this river, the waters of the Isonzo are the very first element of all their grapes.  The Isonzo river is a symbol of Friuli Venezia Giulia as it embodies the events of World War 1, and its reverbed changes frequently, thus causing the continous outcrp of irregularly shaped rocks that strongly differentiate this land from its surroundings.


Over the years, the winery has undertaken continous expansion works, until the construction of an entirely new wing became necessary.  Developed and designed by Enzo Lorenzon in every detail, it now boasts the most advanced technology in Friuli Venezia Giulia.  A state-of-the-art photovoltaic plant at its side spreads out on a 700 square meters coverage, p;roviding an output power equals to 83kW that would satfsfy the power requirements of about 20 homes.


At their side, a member: it's through their passion that the Lorenzon company becomes a great company.


Click here for Lorenzo's wines.


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