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ビーピーエヌ (BpN - ベビ・ピゥナ・チュラーレ) Bevi più Naturale S.r.l.

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生産者: ビーピーエヌ (BpN - ベビ・ピゥ・ナチュラーレ - Bevi più Naturale S.r.l.)


ビーピーエヌ社(BpN - ベビ・ピゥナ・チュラーレ - Bevi Più Naturale S.r.l.)は、2013年にカラブリア州出身のジュゼッペファミリオーロ氏がミラノで起業した、南イタリア・カラブリア州の文化的伝統的な清涼飲料水を製造販売する会社です。エスプレッソの炭酸飲料自体は、50年ほど前からカラブリア州で、地産地消されていた独特の飲料です。南国ならではの海の香りと青い空の元、厳選されたエスプレッソローストのコーヒーを使い、炭酸水とあわせて作った画期的な飲料です。











Bevi più Naturale is a company specialized in the production and distribution of soft drinks.

The company was founded 2013 in Milano with the objective of marketing traditional Italian beverages which form part of our cultural heritage.

Our objective is to become market leader in the promotion and distribution of non-alcoholic Italian soft-drinks.


The first product we are launching is Moka Instinct, a soft drink made using a selection of five different coffee varieties from the most reknown plantations throughout the world.

The only ingredients used are coffee, sugar and carbonated water.

Moka Instinct is the first sparkling coffee infusion on the market, made through a process of natural infusion without preservatives, additives, or aromas.


Bevi più Naturale will aim to introduce the product throughout to the world and pioneer in developing the espresso soda in advance of Milano Expo 2015.


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