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ジュリオ・ブッローニ Giulio Bulloni

Giulio Bulloni.jpg 生産者 パニフィーチョ・ジュリオ・ブッローニ & フィーリ
Panificio Giulio Bulloni & Figli S.r.l.










ジュリオ・ブッローニ社は、2014年のローマ賞(Premio Roma)のパンと伝統のパン製品部門(Concorso per I migliori pani e prodotti da forno tradizionali)にて見事優勝し、「イタリアで1番のパン」と評されました。


またUNI EN ISO 9001:2000, UNI EN ISO 22005:2008、オーガニック農法のcee2092/91, ceck cee,などを所得しており、品質、トレーサビリティも管理されています。



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Panificio Giulio Bulloni & Figli S.r.l. - Bitti, Sardegna


The panificio giulio bulloni is an artisan company.It was founded in 1970, as an individual firm, founded by miss catte celestina and her husband giulio bulloni.  Mr.giulio died in 2005 and miss celestina died in 2011.  Now the company is direct by her seven sons.  Nowadays they are the most importants producers of pane carasatu in sardinia, both in terms of size of the company and manufacturing facility.  


Since  founded 40 years ago, putting togheter the experience and the knowledge about this typical and tasteful product, the market has since been on the rise.  After 10 years they moved from craft production to a more sofisticated industrial production.The company is well established at an international level, especially with the supply of their organic bread, and had experienced many rewards.  


The bulloni company is in bitti, a village near nuoro, with 4000 residents. It is a pastural village.  The activity is performed in local commercial property, it is composed by 6 members and 27 workers, of which  95% are females. The bulloni company has been established on the market over the past 40 years, with a production valued both qualitatively and quantitativily with an encrased turnover.  The company has a continuous production line, which takes place over two floors in an area of 650mq.  The volume of bread produced per day is between 15 to 18 tonnes.  Production takes place over two shifts starting at 6.30am until 8.30 pm, monday to saturday inclusive.  


On the first floor  the process of work involves  preparation of the mixture with the following ingredients:

* flour and bran of durum wheat
* water
* yeast
* salt

After the dough has risen, it is past through a conveyor belt composed of 8 rollers to make a sheet of pastry very thin.  The cylinders cut the dough to form a uniformed round shape 25cm or 35cm in dyameter.


The dough can also be cut into different shapes:
* triangular
* big square
* little square
* rectangular

Once the dough has been cut, it is put into a baking tin to rise for a second time. Then it is cooked to form a ball and divided by hands to form two sheets.  These are then put one on top of the others, before been transfered to another conveyor belt for a second and final cooking.  The carasatu is the only bread which requires two cooking.  After the second cooking, each sheet is placed on top of the other then cooled and packed.

Certifications: the company is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2000, UNI EN ISO 22005:2008, cee2092/91, organic bread: ceck cee.


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