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パーネ カラザウPane Carasau rectagle cut

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サルデーニャ島伝統 パリパリ食感の乾燥パン
羊飼いの保存食 パーネ カラザウ


サルデーニャ島の伝統の保存食、パーネ カラザウ。
または、カルタ・ダ・ムジカ(carta da musica 「楽譜」)とも呼ばれています。








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Traditional Sardegnian (Sardo) crispy bread, Pane Carasau


Pane Carasau (typically spelled carasatu in Sardegnian dialect) is a typical bread Sardinian, also known as the name of Italian music paper (or music paper ) for its characteristic crunchiness, which makes a good sound when eat.


Carasau (prounouces "carazau") is produced only with flour and bran of durum wheat, yeast, salt, and water.  Once the dough has been cut, it is put into a baking tin to rise for a second time. Then it is cooked to form a ball and divided by hands to form two sheets. These are then put one on top of the others then transferred for second and final cooking.  The carasatu is the only bread which requires two cooking.


It is used as dough of pizza, lasagna, topped on salad, or wrapping cheese or ham after soften it by hot warter.  Or it is also good with honey as desert.  It can replace any breads during the meal and enjoy the crunch.  Dipping to fresh olive oil can be an ideal side dish for wines.


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