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タマーロ ジョルジオ Azienda Agricola Tamaro Giorgio

Tamaro logo with Tamaro choco logo.jpgのサムネール画像

生産者: タマーロ ジョルジオ (Azienda Agricola Tamaro Giorgio)


タマーロ社は、1898年にテオドーロ・タマーロによって創業されました。20世紀には、アントニオとパスカーレによってそのオリーブ畑は拡大されて行きました。2003年に、当代のジョルジオがその伝統を引き継ぎ、息子のアントニオとジュゼッペとともに、土着品種である「ルミニャーナ種」と「オリーバ ネラ ディ コッレトルト種」を植樹し、より地域性があり、且つ最新の搾油施設を使い、クオリティーの非常に高いオイルの生産に成功しています。



2016年にはガンベロロッソ「Oli d’Italia2016」で最高評価の3トレフォーリエを獲得しています。




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The tradition oliandola company TAMARO starts Colletorto (CB) in 1898 with his grandfather Teodoro, in the twenties century, sons of Antonio and Pasquale expanded the company with a new olive grove.

In 2003, Giorgio continued in the tradition of their ancestors, further extends the olive grove, assisted by his sons Antonio and Giuseppe re-implanted an old cultivar native "Rumignana" that was previously present in a sporadic manner. From the beginning the company is committed to a sustainable agriculture, quality and in full respect of nature and the environment in which it operates.  Right in the full respect of nature, Tamaro produces 2 monocultivar native variety of "Oliva Nera di Colletorto" and "Rumignana."


Molise - ITALY

Molise is a treasure chest that holds beauty and treasures, including a beautiful nature and rich biodiversity, important and fascinating sites paleontological, archaeological, exciting monuments of exceptional beauty, ancient traditions and picturesque views, beautiful landscapes. Backdrop to this unique picture, excellent food and wine that have their roots in ancient culture agro-pastoral.


Colletorto THE TOWN ....

The village appears ... in the middle of the perennial green of the olive trees, that's because it provides a well-known oil in the region. The oil, we can say, is his first agricultural wealth, not separated from other land data products from the fertile valleys and fertile hills which surrounds it. The first mention of this country is found in the records of Anjou in 1320, under the name of "Collis Tortus", which, as the Masciotta, suggests that already existed at the time he was crowned Queen Giovanna, daughter of Carlo Il d'Angiò


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