新着情報 News

白トリュフペーストが料理教室で紹介されました! / Sauce with Truffle used in cooking class again!
2011年12月18日 17:27




12月16日に、日伊文化交流サロン アッティコで開催された村上眞理さんのイタリア郷土料理教室の「北イタリア料理教室」にて、カシーナサンカッシアーノ白トリュフペーストを使っていただきました!






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White truffle paste has been introduced in cooking class of Mari Murakami.


At Italian cooking class hosted by Attico s.p.a. (Nihonbashi, Tokyo), has introduced a very tasty and simple recipe of Ms Mari Murakami with Cascina San Cassiano's White truffle paste.

Please click here for the recipe of pasta at the class.


Ms Murakami intorduces home Italian cuisine by regions and December speciality theme was "Piedmont."  Adding to the Christmas menu, special wine tasting was also held to enjoy the special meal and it was so well appreciated by participants.






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