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モスタルダとは / Mostarda is...
2011年5月30日 16:16

DSC07718.JPG モスタルダとは

モスタルダとは、果物や野菜のシロップ煮に、マスタード・エッセンス(マスタードの種を砕いたもの)を加えた北イタリア独特の食べ物です。伝統的には、マルメロやいちじくを使ったものが有名ですが、いまは様々なレシピで広く作られています。また、ホールフルーツタイプのロンバルディア州のクレモナ(Cremona)やスライスフルーツタイプのマントバ(Mantova)などが有名ですが、ピエモンテ州のコニャ(Cognàのように、独自の文化でも有名になっているものもあります。ジャムのような見た目ですが、食べるとピリッとスパイシーで、日本には無い北イタリア独特の味わいです。ゆでたお肉(bollito misto)に合わせたり、チーズに合わせたりするのが一般的な食べ方です。

モスタルダの起源は14世紀といわれ、今のロンバルディア州マントヴァ県の領主、ゴンザーガファミリーの公文書にすでに記されていて、当時はかなり高級なものでした。「モスタルダ(mostarda)」の語源はラテン語の「ムストゥム・アルデンス(Mustum Ardens)」で、意味は「熱い、スパイシー(Ardens)、果汁(Mustum)」からといわれています。後に、この「ムストゥム(Mustum)」が「モスタルダ(Mostarda)」になりました。





1. ホールフルーツモスタルダ(クレモナタイプ

2. モスタルダ









モスタルダのお試しは、こちらからどうぞ! また、モスタルダのおすすめの楽しみ方は、こちらから。





Mostarda is a distinctive fruit conserve that mixes the intense spice of mustard with the sweet flavors of candied fruit and is one of the standard condiments served with boiled meats (bollito misto) in northern Italy.  Mostarda is an Italian fruit condiment with numerous regional variations. This ancient preserve mixes the intense spice of mustard with the sweet flavor of candied fruit (although in Piedmont, they sometimes make it without mustard and call it Cognà). Quince is traditional, but mostardas can also be made with other fruits — even vegetables and sometimes nuts.  Mostarda is a delicious accompaniment to cheeses, salamis, patés, and roasted meats.  In Lombardia where mostarda was born, they make variations with syrup rather than must, Mostarda di Mantova, made with tart apples and pears, or quinces, and Mostarda di Cremona, made with mixed fruit.

The term "mostarda" comes from the Latin "mustum ardens", meaning "burning grape must.”  It is a pungent food containing ground mustard seeds. The origins of mostarda can be dated back to the 14th century. It was initially a luxury good. Mention of it can be found in certain documents of the Gonzaga family, the rulers of Mantua, which state that it was served at their table.
Thanks to the greater availability of sugar and mustard, it became popular among the general public from the 17th century. The peasant families of Northern Italy ate large amounts of it, mainly around the Christmas period. This traditional product has risked extinction over recent years.
However, it has been revived and it is now celebrated. It is included in most typical local menus as an accompaniment for hors d'oeuvres or main courses, or in a contrasting, complementary pairing with cheese.

Cognà is a very ancient specialty from the Piedmont. It is made from grape, mustard seed, apples, pears, walnuts, hazelnuts and figs. The ingredients are mixed together and the combination is cooked slowly for hours and hours. An ideal accompaniment for cheeses, try a dab of Cognà on meats and polenta also. It is also excellent used as a spread for toast.

Cascina San Cassiano produces hig quality and rich mostardas by resul t of a strict selection of raw material, choice of recipes, exclusion of preservatives, total security of innovative equipments and scrupulous and meticulous control feach production processes.  Fruits are always fresh, crunchy and perfectly ripen. They come from the very productive area of Saluzzo, in Cuneo Province. Our goal is to choose fruits respecting seasons and the territory of origin.  Also for healthy and natural ingredients, all products are using no colouring, no preservatives, no GMO.

Cascina San Cassiano is producer of several kind of Mostarda. These products can be divided in two main categories:

1. The Mostarda whole fruit :
It is an Italian condiment made of candied fruit and a mustard flavoured syrup. The essential oil of mustard is employed, which has the advantage of transparency.

2. The Mostarda – marmalade-like appearance:

Please try the mostardas from here!!

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