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チーズのフェルミエさんとコラボしました! / Cheese and mostarda marriage by Fermier
2012年10月 4日 17:44




ナチュラルチーズ専門店 フェルミエさんの10月のパルミジャーノチーズ特集の際に、カシーナサンカッシアーノリンゴとショウガのモスタルダを紹介していただきました。










Cheese and mostarda marriage by Fermier Cheese company


Cascina San Cassiano's mostarda, "Apple and ginger mostarda" has collaborated together with FROMAGER IE Fermier to introduce marriage of cheese and mostarda in the issue of October which covered the most popular Italian cheese, "parmigiano reggiano."


Mostarda is typcially well known by "sweet and spicy" sauce for cheese and meat dish in north of Italy.  However, this Cascina's mostarda can attract for both mostarda beginners and experts by less spicy flavour and mixture of popular fruits and vegetables.  Apple and ginger mostarda not only matches parmigiano reggiano cheese but also goes well along with many cheese, and also good with pancakes or even with black teas.


Please try the best cheese from Fermier and enjoy the flavour of mostarda from Cascina San Cassiano!

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